Kuvassa sähkögrilli, jonka päällä on grillattuja kasviksia
News 20.06.2023 - 14:03

Electric grills are now allowed on balconies

According to the new guideline by Espoon Asunnot, the use of electric grills is now permitted on apartment balconies.

Our new guideline regarding balcony grilling is certainly a welcome and anticipated change for many. However, it is important to prioritize safety while grilling to make sure that everyone can have a pleasant summer: 

  1. Place the grill at a necessary distance from the wall and windows. The grill user is responsible for ensuring that the smoke and smell from grilling does not enter the building’s ventilation system. 

  1. If you live in an apartment with a private terrace or outdoor area, you can also use a gas grill for grilling. In that case, the grill must be positioned at least four meters away from the house walls and other structures. 

  1. Do not leave the grill unattended during use, whether it is an electric grill suitable for balcony grilling or a gas grill allowed on terraces and outdoor areas. The grill should be monitored until it has cooled down properly. 

  1. Clean the grill after each use. For example, the grease that has dripped into the drip tray of an electric grill should be cleaned after every grilling session. Because the electric heating element of the grill becomes extremely hot there is a risk of ignition if the grill is not cleaned, even though electric grills are the safest option for balconies and terraces. 

Warm summer evenings can easily tempt you to sit by the grill late into the evening. However, remember to consider your neighbors and follow the quiet hours, which start at 10 PM and end at 7 AM in all our properties. 

Enjoy delicious grilling moments and have a pleasant summer! 

The new guideline does not affect the use of charcoal and wood-burning grills, as their usage is still prohibited on Espoon Asunnot properties.