Patteritermostaatti ja asuntokohtainen mittausanturi

Smart heating system’s sensors measure temperature in apartments

Almost all of our buildings have a smart heating system. Apartments have sensors that measure the indoor temperature. They are part of the heating system.

When the weather gets cold, the heating system ensures that heating starts automatically when it is needed. The smart heating system has a control unit in each building, which optimises the heating based on things like indoor temperatures and weather forecasts.

The system monitors the indoor temperature in each apartment with a temperature sensor installed in the apartment. The sensor is a white box of about 10 x 10 cm. It is usually mounted on the living room wall.

Asuntokohtainen mittausanturi.

The sensors are the property of Espoon Asunnot and must not be covered or removed. The sensors are replaced as needed. We inform residents separately if and when we plan to replace temperature sensors.

Comfort of living and temperature

Correct indoor temperature has a significant effect on the comfort of living. The target temperature of our homes is 21 °C. Temperatures can vary by one and a half degrees. According to the official housing health instructions, 21 °C is a good indoor temperature. It is considered a healthy and energy-efficient temperature.

You can influence the indoor temperature of your home

If your home still feels too cold or draughty, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that your heating works.

  • If you feel too much draught from the windows or door, please contact the maintenance company. Weatherstripping windows and doors reduces heat loss and increases the comfort of living. The installation and replacement of weather strips on doors and windows is done by the maintenance company, and Espoon Asunnot covers the costs. (See the Division of responsibilities).
  • Check that radiators or thermostats are not covered by furniture or curtains, so that air flows as freely as possible. In this way, heat spreads more evenly and efficiently within the room. Knocks can easily damage thermostats, so take care not to bump into them, for example when cleaning. 
  • If possible, air your apartment using a quick cross ventilation. Do not air your apartment for a long time, as that will let the heat out.
  • Always keep the air intake valves in window frames in the open position and clean them twice a year. Do not block them or the make-up air valves in the wall. If you block them, make-up air may rush in uncontrollably, for example through the mail slot or under the front door, making the apartment feel draughty and cold.
  • You can reduce the temperature in your apartment from the radiator thermostat, but you cannot raise the temperature above the temperature set by the system.
  • Please note that any additional heaters will confuse the heating system, causing it to reduce the heating of the apartment.
  • It is normal for radiators to feel cool sometimes or for their bottom and top to be at different temperatures. The temperature inside the apartment is what matters, not the temperature of the radiators.
  • If your rental apartment has decentralised (apartment-specific) air conditioning, please read its operation manual.

If you try all of the above and your apartment still does not reach the target temperatures, contact the maintenance company of your building.