Tasks in resident activities
All residents are welcome to participate in informal resident activities. Resident activities are all joint activities organised by the property’s residents.
The residents’ committee is usually responsible for organising the property’s residents’ events. However, any resident can organise a small-scale activity or a one-time event. The residents’ committee decides on the use of the appropriation allocated to resident activities.
If you are interested, resident activities involve many positions for which you can apply according to your interests. The persons are selected for the positions in their property’s residents’ meeting. The meetings are held at least once a year. If you are interested in a position or task and think it might be for you, feel free to suggest yourself for it.
Residents’ committee
3–9 members are elected to the residents’ committees of the properties. The residents’ committee can propose to the company different things and give feedback on services related to housing.
The chairperson is responsible for calling together residents’ meetings and for calling together and leading the residents’ committee’s meetings. In addition, the chairperson is responsible for monitoring the contract duties arranged by the committee or produced by the service providers, as well as communicating with the property manager and Espoon Asunnot. The chairperson participates in training and information events of Espoon Asunnot, as well as regional meetings organised by the property manager.
Deputy chairperson
The deputy chairperson is responsible for the duties of the chairperson if the chairperson is unable to take care of the duties or resigns during the term.
The secretary prepares the minutes and agendas of meetings together with the chairperson and takes care of the proper storage of documents. The secretary delivers copies of all minutes of the residents’ committee to the property manager within two weeks of the meeting. Residents’ committees often agree that the duties of the secretary also include the preparation and distribution of invitations and bulletins.
Residents’ committee members
The members of the residents’ committee participate in the committee’s meetings and implement the committee’s decisions in accordance with the division of duties agreed by the committee.
Other residents’ committee tasks
The residents’ committee can designate areas of responsibility for its members. These are, for example, the monitoring of purchased services, the provision of information, the organisation of community efforts and the management of club and excursion activities.
The residents’ committee can invite residents to its meetings, or the meetings can be open to all residents.
Other tasks to be assigned in residents’ meetings
Every year, Espoon Asunnot decides on possible other tasks included in resident activities. At the moment, residents’ meetings can appoint, in addition to the residents’ committee, a safety person, a caretaker for the civil defence shelter and an eco-expert.
Safety person
The safety person is an expert in everyday safety issues in the building where they live. The safety person is not officially responsible for the safety of the building; instead, they make safety-related observations and inform Espoon Asunnot or service partners about them.
The safety person can develop the safety of the building and inform their neighbours about safety issues. The position is based on the Rescue Act. Every year, we organise training for safety persons in cooperation with rescue experts.
Civil defence shelter caretaker
The position of the caretaker of the civil defence shelter is based on the Rescue Act. Properties with their own civil defence shelter elect one caretaker per shelter. Together with property management and safety experts, Espoon Asunnot ensures that the civil defence shelters and related equipment are in order.
The civil defence shelter caretaker regularly checks that the civil defence shelter and its equipment are in good condition. The caretaker can propose any improvements related to the civil defence shelter and protective equipment to the property manager. In the event of a crisis in society that requires the residents to use the civil defence shelter, the civil defence shelter caretaker will lead the use of the shelter and show the other residents how to protect themselves.
Espoon Asunnot organises annual training for the shelter caretakers in cooperation with civil defence experts. The shelter caretaker completes the required shelter caretaker training and acts in accordance with the instructions received in the training.
An eco-expert is a resident interested in the sorting of waste and recycling, as well as other sustainability issues. The eco-expert can brainstorm and develop sustainable housing in their own building and in cooperation with other eco-experts. In particular, improving the efficiency of waste sorting is a concrete matter the eco-expert can improve.
The eco-expert reports their sustainability-related observations to the property manager. In matters related to waste management and recycling, the eco-expert reports not only to the property manager, but also to HSY.
Espoon Asunnot organises annual training for eco-experts in cooperation with recycling experts.