Huoltohenkilö korjaa keinua lasten leikkipaikalla.

Contact information for maintenance companies, waste management, cleaning, tending to greenery and snow clearance contractors

Our professional partners take care of our properties so that you are happy in your home. Report any defects or deficiencies you notice without delay.

Fault report and service request

Non-urgent fault reports and service requests

You can submit a non-urgent fault report or service request through

When you submit a fault report through the Resident’s online service EAsy, you can monitor the progress of your report or request.

Before contacting the maintenance company, it is recommended to check from the responsibility table whether your matter is the responsibility of the maintenance company.

Urgent repairs

Directly contact your property's maintenance company. If you are not sure what the maintenance company of your building is, you can find it in our online service EAsy. The name and telephone number of the maintenance company can also be found on the notice board of your building.

Maintenance companies

Alltime Oy
tel. 041 732 3233 (8–16)
defect notices tel. 041 732 3233 (24/7)
Electronic fault report and service request

Alltime Oy’s key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

Braleva Oy
tel. 09 801 3044 (9–15)
defect notices tel. 09 801 3044 (24/7)
Electronic fault report and service request
customer service address Soukantie 13, 02360 Espoo

Braleva Oy’s key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

Kotikatu Oy  
Nihtisillankuja 6, 02630 Espoo (Kilo)
tel. 050 345 7679 (24/7)
Electronic fault report and service request

Matinkylän Huolto Oy
Gräsantörmä 2 (2nd floor), 02200 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon–Fri 8 am–4 pm
tel. 09 804 631
fault notifications 24h/day tel. 09 804 63 201
Electronic fault report and service request

Nupumies Oy
tel. 040 140 6589 (8–16)
defect notices tel. 040 140 6589 (24/7)
Electronic fault report and service request

Nupumies Oy’s key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

SKIPA Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
Nimismiehenpelto 4 B (2. krs), 02770 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon–Tue 8.30 am–4 pm and Wed-Fri 8.30 am–3 pm
tel. 09 859 881 Mon-Fri 9 am- 3 pm
fault notifications tel. 09 859 88 103 Mon-Fri 9 am-3 pm
24/7 tel. 09 859 881
Electronic fault report and service request

Tapiolan Lämpö Oy
Mäntyviita 2, 02110 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon-Fri 8 am–4 pm. On the first working day of each month, the service point is open until 5:30 pm.
tel. 020 750 5330 (24h/day) (no service charge)
Sauna booking and guest parking permissions 8am–13pm
Electronic fault report and service request
Abnormal opening hours


Either the maintenance company or Lukkokeskus Oy is responsible for key management of the property.

They handle

  • collection and return of keys
  • additional keys
  • laundry tokens

When picking up the keys, you must have the rental agreement and an identity document with you. If you have signed the rental agreement electronically, you can also present the rental agreement from your mobile phone.

Under the name of the maintenance company, you can see whether the maintenance company or Lukkokeskus Oy is responsible for the key management of your property.

Alltime Oy
Key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

Braleva Oy
Key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

Kotikatu Oy  
Nihtisillankuja 6, 02630 Espoo (Kilo)
tel. 050 345 7679 (24/7)
electronic fault notification     

Matinkylän Huolto Oy
Gräsantörmä 2 (2nd floor), 02200 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon–Fri 8 am–4 pm
tel. 09 804 631
fault notifications 24h/day tel. 09 804 63 201
electronic fault notification
Abnormal opening hours

Nupumies Oy
Key management (pick up and return of keys):
Lukkokeskus Oy
tel.  09 8567 7110 (8–16)
customer service address Asemakuja 3, 02770 Espoo

SKIPA Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
Nimismiehenpelto 4 B (2. krs), 02770 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon–Tue 8.30 am–4 pm and Wed-Fri 8.30 am–3 pm
tel. 09 859 881 Mon-Fri 9 am- 3 pm
fault notifications tel. 09 859 88 103 Mon-Fri 9 am-3 pm
24/7 tel. 09 859 881
electronic fault notification

Tapiolan Lämpö Oy
Mäntyviita 2, 02110 Espoo
Customer service is open Mon-Fri 8 am–4 pm. On the first working day of each month, the service point is open until 5:30 pm.
tel. 020 750 5330 (24h/day) (no service charge)
Sauna booking and guest parking permissions 8am–13pm
electronic service request
Abnormal opening hours

Property waste management

Mixed, biowaste, glass, plastic, cardboard and metal waste collection
HSY Waste management 
tel. 09 1561 2110 
Contact and online services

Paper collection
Georos Oy

Electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) collection
Tramel Oy 
Kalkkivuorentie 10 
00760 Helsinki 
tel. 010 420 1500


Property cleaning services

You can find the name of the company responsible for cleaning your house on our website under your property. The information can also be found on your property's notice board.

IC Siivous Oy
Mon–Fri 8 am–4 pm
tel. 010 248 3160

ISS Palvelut Oy
tel. 020 015 500

Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj
Customer service
tel. 010 636 5000

ProFam Palvelut Oy
Mon–Fri 8 am–4 pm
tel. 044 985 7334 

Siskon Siivous Oy
tel. 029 340 0900

Tending to property greenery

You can find the name of the company responsible for your house's landscaping on our website under your property. The information can also be found on your property's notice board.

Kotikatu Oy
Mon–Fri 7 am–4 pm
tel. 010 270 8990

Kolme vuodenaikaa Oy
Mon–Fri 9 am–4 pm
tel. 045 126 7786

Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj
Customer service
tel. 010 636 7000 (24h/day)

Rata- ja Talohuolto RTH Oy
Mon–Fri 8 am–4 pm
tel. 09 726 0470

Vihertaiturit Ky 
Mon–Fri 8 am–3:30 pm
tel. 050 564 1059

Viherviisikko Oy
Mon–Fri 8 am–3:30 pm
tel. 020 722 9340


Snow clearing and gritting

In areas other than those mentioned below, the maintenance company of the building is responsible for snow clearing and gritting. You can find the contact information of your maintenance company either on the information board in the stairwell or in the section "Fault report and service request” on this page.

Exception: Snow clearing and gritting in district of Kauklahti

Nupumies Oy is responsible for for snow clearing and gritting in district of Kauklahti. The snow clearing area differs from the city district division in the case of a few addresses, which is why the property addresses are listed below.

Snow clearing area: Kauklahti
Includes the following addresses: Hansakallio 5, Hansakallionkuja 3, Hansatie 30 C–D, Kustaanmäki 2, Lasitörmä 2, Myntinsyrjä 10, Myntinsyrjä 9, Nissinmäentie 7, Ramsaynkuja 1, Ramsaynkuja 5, Riiantie 1, Riiantie 3, Riiantie 4, Valhallantie 5 / Räävelintie 4, Fickenkuja 1, Kauppiantanhua 2